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Hi, saya Anas. insta: the_roshad

.:: Ken Lee n Can't Live ::.

A songs' name sang by Mariah Carey by the title Can't Live, but Ken Lee is another story whereas it was sang by a Bulgarian woman named Valentina Hasan during the Music Idol audition in Bulgaria.She confessed that she knows nothing about English meaning that she only listen to the song and try to sing it lip sing (by interpreting the sounds that fits her mother tongue) but actually sounds really poor but quite interesting. Over four millions views on YouTube.com Ken Lee was a phenomenon and Valentina Hasan was famous right after. Here's the Ken Lee switch up with the real lyrics :) enjoy :

1) No I ken forget this evening = No I can't forget this evening
2) Nor your face aju er leavin = Or your face as you were leaving
3) But I guess it's just the gway the story gow = But I guess that's just the way the story goes
4) You always mine molinigh your sorra shoo = You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows
5) Yes ee choo = Yes it shows
6) Ken leee = Can't live
7) Tulibu dibu douchoo = If living is without you
8) Ken lee meju more = Can't give anymore

3 thoughts on “.:: Ken Lee n Can't Live ::.

  1. hehehe.. fiza pun terikut lepas tengok on my English.. bestt dan dapat banyak ilmu.. :)

  2. owh yes still ingt lg masa ni kwn tgk kt utube..dh lama jugak kn bnda ni, masa aku diploma lg sem 1..tetibe rindu zmn diploma..

  3. dah tengok video tu... serius lawak,...
